🔥Burn Liquidity
Burning Liquidity makes sure that you will never be able to remove the liquidity again. This significantly increases the trust in your token for the community.
Enabling this feature will add a Rug Protection ✅
checkmark to your launch alert that gets posted in the DEVbot Token Alerts after adding liquidity.
This feature is enabled by default when configuring a new token. Technically it means that the pool tokens will get minted to the zero address when adding liquidity. This is a special address that no one has access to, and is the same one that's used when burning tokens.
To disable this feature, just click on the corresponding button. This will toggle this feature on and off. In this case, the pool tokens will be minted to your deployer wallet. For now, we don't support just locking the liquidity, and will never support removing it directly through Telegram. If you want to do that, you would need to do that manually in the browser after exporting your private key.
Last updated